House Republicans Call for Action, Introduce Property Tax Reform Package

SPRINGFIELD – Illinois State Representatives Dan Brady (R-Normal), Deanne Mazzochi (R-Elmhurst), Joe Sosnowski (R-Rockford) and Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) announced new legislative proposals to provide property tax relief to struggling homeowners today after the Democrat-led Property Tax Relief Task Force failed to present any viable solutions to this crisis.

“We have been waiting, waiting and waiting for Democrats to keep their promise to join us and pass meaningful property tax reform,” said Rep. Deanne Mazzochi. “House Republicans have a package of property tax relief bills stuck in the Rules Committee graveyard that haven’t received the courtesy of even a committee hearing. Those bills are targeted to the very people who told the Property Tax Relief Task Force that they need relief now – particularly seniors who are forced to leave their friends, family, and homes because of skyrocketing property taxes. We are determined to bring real property tax relief to Illinois, and it is sad to see more do-nothing from Democrats, and their refusal to do what it takes to help people stay in their homes.” 

The first installment of property tax bills in Cook County have already come due and tax bills in counties throughout the state will be due over the next few months, yet zero reform measures have been advanced by the House Democrats this session.

As one piece of the House Republican reform initiative, Rep. Mazzochi introduced House Bill 5293 that creates the senior citizens homestead school levy exemption to tackle the largest part of the property tax bill that is forcing life-long residents out of the homes they have owned for decades.

“Property taxes have been too heavy a burden for Illinois taxpayers for far too long,” said Rep. Dan Ugaste. “Right now we are entering our sixth week of the legislative session and nothing has been accomplished for property tax reform. I have filed six bills to help provide property tax relief—but none of them have moved forward. I am calling on Democrat lawmakers from across the aisle to work with me on real reform, to get this legislation passed so we can begin giving residents of Illinois relief from oppressive property taxes.”

Another proposal presented by Rep. Ugaste, who is the Chief Co-Sponsor, House Bill 4143, gives local school districts the ability to reduce costs by discontinuing state mandates that are not adequately funded by the state or are not improving student outcomes.

“Families and seniors need the property tax relief they have been promised time and time again,” said Rep. Dan Brady. “We all need to hold the Democrat majority accountable and demand they keep their promise to provide real property tax relief. Joining us to pass House Bills 4143 and 5293 would be a big step toward making Illinois a place where everyone can afford to work, raise their family, and retire.”

“The legislation we are introducing today would achieve meaningful, lasting property tax relief for Illinois families and job creators,” said Rep. Joe Sosnowski. “In the wake of the Democrats’ failed property tax relief task force, we are taking the common-sense reforms we’ve been offering from the start and putting them into specific bill form. Now it’s time to let legislators on both sides of the aisle, from every region of the state, debate and vote on proposals that can finally deliver the property tax relief we all know Illinois needs.”

House Republicans have filed more than twenty pieces of legislation comprehensively addressing property tax relief that ranges from local pension reform, mandate relief, and increased transparency to consolidation and resource sharing among local governments to drive down costs.

A list of legislation is available here.
