Ugaste Responds to Push for Criminal Justice Reform Veto

GENEVA—State Representative Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) released the following statement amid calls for the Governor to veto the criminal justice reform legislation, HB3653, that was passed in the final hours of lame duck session of the 101st General Assembly.

“Achieving criminal justice reform and ensuring the best public safety for all Illinoisans is essential. While I agree with portions of this legislation, there are some extremely concerning aspects as well.  Furthermore, another problem, as I understand it, is that the Governor cannot issued an amendatory veto on this bill, he can either sign it as is or veto it. Considering those options, I have to urge him to veto this bill.

I voted ‘no’ on the House Floor earlier this month when this bill was only granted a brief debate, and after further review, I still stand opposed. While I am supportive of criminal justice reform and pieces of this legislation, some of the proposed changes in the current bill require further work to ensure that they are adequately meeting the needs of all Illinoisans.

I agree we must accomplish something as serious as criminal justice reform as soon as possible.  I ask the Governor to veto this bill and ask the members who advanced this bill to immediately sit down with myself and other interested legislators and parties to work in a collaborative effort to achieve the goals of this bill.”
