On Friday, we were scheduled to adjourn for our Spring Legislative Session. However, budget considerations continue as Democrats failed to meet their own deadline of Friday. House Republicans remain ready, and have offered, to meet with their Democrat counterparts to help craft a transparent, responsible, and balanced State budget and we will continue to do so as we return to Springfield for additional session days this upcoming week.
I have been working in the House to represent the 65th District and your thoughts are always welcome. Please visit RepUgaste.com for more information on how to reach out to my office.
Because we will not be in Springfield during Memorial Day, we recognized Memorial Day on Tuesday in the House chamber. Please remember, as we welcome summer next weekend with barbecues, pool parties, and more that Memorial Day is a time to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. Remember that sacrifice and please keep Gold Star families in your prayers and hearts.
“Their sacrifice was great, but not in vain. All Americans and every free nation on earth can trace their liberty to the white markers of places like Arlington National Cemetery. And may God keep us ever grateful.” – President George W. Bush

I had the opportunity this week to meet with some of the recipients, and their parents, of the Invest in Kids Act. They were at the Capitol to ask us to remove the deadline for the expiration of this Act and allow them to continue to attend the schools they currently attend.