In order to provide the best opportunities for Illinoisans, we have to make our state a destination for job creators and innovators. High taxes and burdensome regulations only drive residents…
BUDGET Democrats pass largest budget in state history; vote for tax hikes, politician pay raises and a billion dollars for non-citizens. In the early morning hours Wednesday, Democrats in the…
CPR and AED Awareness Week remind us how many lives can be saved if more adults learn how to perform CPR and use an AED. Every second counts when it…
We should be working together in the House to advance good legislation to benefit all Illinoisans. Instead, Republicans with good ideas for the budget continue to be ignored by Democrats.
During a recent six-month span, more than $4.5 million was stolen from Illinois’ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. Here’s what you need to know. Stolen SNAP benefits top $4.5M…
Democrats’ $53.1 billion budget includes tax hikes, pay raises for politicians, and a billion dollars for non-citizens. This spending plan does not reflect the needs of the people we represent….
Springfield, IL – Early in the morning on Wednesday May 29, the Democrats did what they do best, passing nearly a billion dollars in tax increases on Illinois citizens while…
State Representatives Jeff Keicher (R-Sycamore) and Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) are hosting an Outside Kids Fair on Saturday, June 8, at Chapelstreet Church in Geneva. The event will be held from…