
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Ugaste Legislation Requires Legislative Input in Emergency Response

GENEVA—Due to Governor Pritzker’s continued unilateral response to the state’s coronavirus pandemic, State Representative Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) filed legislation to require legislative approval on emergency declarations. The legislation, HB5790, provides…

Saturday, May 23, 2020
Ugaste Strongly Opposes Partisan Budget

SPRINGFIELD—Today the House of Representatives passed a partisan budget, which appropriates roughly $42.8 billion in spending for FY2021. State Representative Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) voted against the budget, and released the…

Saturday, May 23, 2020
VIDEO: Ugaste Remarks on Partisan State Budget Plan

Today the House of Representatives passed a partisan budget, which appropriates roughly $42.8 billion in spending for FY2021. State Representative Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) voted against the budget. You can watch…

Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Ugaste Statement on IDPH Rule

SPRINGFIELD— Due to Republican efforts and support from the people of the State of Illinois, today the Pritzker Administration withdrew a controversial IDPH emergency rule imposing penalties on businesses that…

Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Ugaste Opposes New IDPH Rule

GENEVA—This week Governor Pritzker’s administration issued an additional executive order creating a new penalty, including jail time and up to a $2,500 fine, for businesses who defy the Stay at…

Friday, May 8, 2020
House Republicans Propose Safe Economic Recovery Plan

The next phase of combating the global COVID-19 pandemic is to repair the economic devastation it has wrought in its wake. It is a monumental effort that will only be successful…

Friday, May 8, 2020
10 Priorities for IL Recovery

As the COVID-19 Pandemic unfolded and the March Stay at Home was put into place, House Republican Leader Jim Durkin took the long view creating an internal Economic Recovery Working…

Thursday, May 7, 2020
Ugaste Statement on Pritzker’s 5 Phase Plan

GENEVA, IL – On Tuesday, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker released his 5 Phase plan to reopen Illinois.   This 5 Phase plan broke the state into four regions, and laid out…

Thursday, April 30, 2020
VIDEO: Ugaste on Legislature’s Engagement in Emergency Declarations

State Representative Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) recently held a press conference to discuss the recent extension of the Governor’s Stay at Home Order, and the need for the General Assembly to…

Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Ugaste Calls for Legislature’s Involvement in Emergency Declarations

ZOOM—State Representative Dan Ugaste (R-Geneva) held a press conference today alongside State Representatives Norine Hammond (R-Macomb) and C.D. Davidsmeyer (R-Jacksonville). The House Republicans discussed the recent extension of the Governor’s…